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Diversity is strength – PaungKu

Diversity is strength

Diversity is strength February 15, 2017Leave a comment

Paung Ku value all of the diverse ethnicities, cultures and beliefs, and ensure equity and respect for the rights of all particularly who are marginalized. By reflecting that diversity is strength, the organization always support and encourage our staff and partners to protect and promote diversity and equality. 

We continuously mentor our partners in identifying, reflecting on and working to redress inequalities and injustice related to all forms of diversity and bolster partners to ensure that their interventions do not exclude any groups intentionally or unintentionally. Where exclusion is deeply rooted within cultural beliefs, for example, in social gender norms, we facilitate our partners to question such discrimination and promote equality within their organisations and their communities. Particular attention is being paid to guaranteeing that the peace processes are representative of the diversity that exists within Myanmar’s ethnic communities.

In 2019, Paung Ku provided 13 grants to our partners for the activities identified with gender and women empowerment by favouring transgender day, international women day, and white ribbon day campaign. 

In addition, some CSOs conducted training and workshop such as capacity building for community women, diversity awareness training, honest information, women rights training, coordination meeting with local authority and partners, advocacy for anti-violence against women, as well as gender-based violence was raised in the meetings. Gender issue was also included in the contents of youth training.

As needed, Paung Ku directly supported to an awareness-raising workshop to increase community mobilizing by appreciating the diversity. The diverse events were held in different states and regions. In fact, our program staff regularly facilitated both of grantees and non-granted partners working for women and gender, and other issues to consider gender and diversity concept for the marginalized people in every stage of program management.

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