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Legal Knowledge Sharing Group – PaungKu

Legal Knowledge Sharing Group

Legal Knowledge Sharing Group January 4, 2020Leave a comment

Legal Knowledge Sharing Group (LKSG) is founded by three friends in 2017 after attending the rule of law training at Rule of Law Center. Two of them are lawyer. The Mandalay-based group started with the goal of upholding the rule of law, spreading the knowledge of law with the general public and creating a platform to reach the legal knowledge easily to normal civilians.

Since 2017, the group began sharing “basic rule of law” to community. In August 2017, the number of members rose to 8. They all began at that time with their own skills. Their reputation has been spread around and they even invited to Myintkyina to offer the workshop to “Shanni” political party. In 2018, LKSG connected with Paung Ku and started financing its anti-corruption operations. 

Paung ku linked them to possible other supporters, not only in terms of funding but also as linkages. They completed a series of training courses in 2018 on legal conscientiousness, balanced legislation, access to justice and anti-corruption. They also expanded their work in the same year as legal aid agents. In addition, human rights days were celebrated by LKSG with several activities games, human rights puzzles, including all possible networks in Mandalay and villages around. During 2018, the group crafted the own training module.

In 2019, the number of legal aids has increased. Twenty five lawsuits have been handled by LKSG and 75 % of them prevailed. It also continue the trainings and workshops. Participates stretched from lawyers, law students to government servants from departments such as Education, Health, General Administration, Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation.

The participants who joined in trainings from diverse background. In general analysis, 10% from LGBT community, 5 % from people with disability, 5 to 10 % from Authority, 5 to 10 % from Parties Member and 50 % community leaders. Approximately 55 % women and 45 % men.

During the reflection with Paung Ku in November 2019, LKSG also mention the challenges they face, such as government sector is unwilling to cooperate with them and sometime hated by the judge or other fellow lawyers because the lawyers forming LKSG practice anti-corruption which seemed to challenge others. Sometimes the government does not give permission for the trainings and workshops.

For 2020-2021, they are planning to prepare the trainings on Civil Rights for Election which will support the civilian be ready when the election comes. At the same time, they will continue their works on Access to justice trainings. Anti-corruptions works and, adding more work on interfaith training.

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