Pace on Peaceful Pluralism (PoPP), formed in 2016, is a CSO making efforts for reinforcing good local governance in Bago region. In its endeavors, it is gaining recognition from not only Bago region government and parliament but also local people.
The organization aims to create a peaceful society to drive local development in the democratic transition period. It expects to gain achievements in local development activities through participation, coordination for formation of accountable local government and parliament, equal access to citizen rights, and building up a fair democratic society in accordance with human rights.
Their primary activities are to monitor local elections, provide training for development committees, watch on regional parliament, publish research reports related to local governance and parliament, organize town hall meetings for township development affairs, and conduct discussions and coordination for formation of local development affairs laws.
With the grant support of Paung Ku, PoPP is implementing civic education, awareness-raising for election of local development committees to all citizens in Bago region, participation in monitoring of the elections held throughout the region, press conference for launching election monitoring report, submission of monitoring report of ward/village tract administrator election to Bago region government and conducting the report of mid-term review of Bago region parliament. By carrying out its committed activities, PoPP has better influence on both the regional government and parliament. Paung Ku has also helped to improve the effectiveness of PoPP’s activities. U Khin Maung Yin, Chairman of Bago region parliament, remarked,
We can reflect on our activities by studying the assessment conducted: Looking Back from the Midway prepared by PoPP which was supported by Paung Ku.
Paung Ku plans to continue to support PoPP to monitor not only development committees and ward/village tract administrator election but also local government’s administration and parliament. Paung Ku has encouraged them to work intimately with Burma Monitor to watch on and reveal possible tensions in the region.