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Humanitarian Assistance to IDPs: Htoi Gender and Development Foundation – PaungKu

Humanitarian Assistance to IDPs: Htoi Gender and Development Foundation

Humanitarian Assistance to IDPs: Htoi Gender and Development Foundation February 28, 2019

Due to the resurgence of armed conflict between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Tatmadaw in Sumprabum and Tanai areas in Kachin State during March 2018, thousands of people from Aung Lawt and In Gan Yan villages have fled away from the battle affected areas leaving their properties behind. Thus, in order to respond to their emergency needs, Htoi Gender and Development Foundation contacted Paung Ku to support the daily basic needs for IDPs at the temporary Trinity Camp, Palana Village and Jawmasat Camp, Nawng Nang Village. 

The on-time respond secured the fundamental basic products for the affected families and helped them in time which made them feel safe and pleased. Maternal care products for pregnant women and required medicines for the elderly were also included.

Htoi Gender and Development Foundation is one of Paung Ku’s long-term thriving partners based in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin state in Myanmar. The partner has been tirelessly working for the Kachin community since it was founded in June 2005, with the objective of understanding and being aware of history, supporting humanitarian activities, and capacity building.

The organization seeks to identify the real situation and provide updates on current issues to give the information to Kachin State community and to networking at an international level. Htoi Gender and Development Foundation serves as a change agent for vulnerable women and men, with a focus on girls, widows, IDPs in Kachin State. Paung Ku’s Mandalay-Kachin team works closely with them not only to grants but also to support learning and monitoring through undertaking reflection and aiding in financial procedures.