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Paung Ku | Quarterly Data Report (January – March 2019) – PaungKu

Paung Ku | Quarterly Data Report (January – March 2019)

Paung Ku | Quarterly Data Report (January – March 2019) April 11, 2019


In this quarter, Paung Ku continued work towards the central objectives by supporting civil society partners throughout the whole Myanmar who share our common goal of achieving positive social change.

Highlights over this quarter have included:

  • Facilitating 101 civil society partners for reflection and learning 179 times.
  • Provision of 52 grants to 47 partners totalling USD 169,494 (258,446,620 Myanmar Kyat). 90 per cent of the grants were under USD 5,000.
  • Reaching 16,813 direct beneficiaries (Other: 5; Female: 11,393; Male; 5,415) and 533,992 indirect beneficiaries (Other: 15; Female: 324,757; Male; 209,220) under the grant support.
  • Supporting partners and wider segments of civil society to access 21 learning platforms, providing 691 direct beneficiaries (Other: 5, Female: 267; Male; 419) and 688 indirect beneficiaries (Other: 15; Female: 263; Male; 410) for learning opportunities.
  • Organizing 26 events, workshops, forums through direct implementation to strengthen the knowledge of partners with 795 direct beneficiaries (Female: 321; Male: 474) and 142 indirect beneficiaries (Female: 73; Male: 69).
  • Facilitating and supporting linkages and network-building among civil society partners.

For a detailed insight into our program activities and performance you can download our Quarterly Data Report (January – March 2019) right here.